
Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Soul- The Bird- The Tree

Imagine. A phase of life where we are still unformed. We were just uncovered, shapeless souls. And at this stage of life, no differences like shape, size, gender, group, community, class, race, nationality, genus, and species existed because we were still formless. At this phase of life, we had to go through a brave ritual of ‘the choice of becoming’ anything that our hearts wished to.

There was a soul who was going through this phase of life. It was excited about becoming. It was told that this phase is unique because there was one choice and reversing it would be difficult. The soul was excited about the future.

It always wanted to fly. See the world. Travel. Learn about everything around. It shared this with other companions who were in the same stage of life. They wanted to explore. The soul can not be contained. Eventually, it knew that they would choose becoming birds. Because the birds can fly among the clouds. The birds can see the world living its different phases, witness the stories of others, write the stories of their own. The birds cannot be contained and limited. There were lots of directions to explore and every adventure leads to many new beginnings. With this choice, two plus two will not just be four but can be even five. Heartfully excited.

After a few phases of life, this soul found itself turned into a tree just because it could not build up the courage to come out of a few counterweights that held it. Not sure if it was afraid of itself or the world. Or was it just lazy to stand up? Slowly, there were new little excitements thrown at this soul, just enough to make it stay away from its dream, blissfully. And before it knew it was completely rooted, surrounded by expectations of the ground. Planted. It tries to stretch itself towards the sky in the shape of its branches, as a sign of its hidden wish, sometimes. But it is formed now. There is completion in this shape. And because it has ‘become’ the tree, it must fulfill the meaning of its ‘being’ now. It must write in the exam of this world, two plus two is four, while at its heart, it knows that the other thing is possible in some other beautiful world. Or else, it will be categorized as a failure. 

I wish, one day when all the expectations on self from the projected view of expectations of around are fulfilled, this formed-frozen soul remembers that the reversing might be difficult, but it is not impossible.